
Claims Reporting Service for Liability and Property Claims

1-877-KIC-CLAIM (542-2524)

Reporting new claims immediately is critical.  Prompt claim reporting helps ensure that claims are resolved as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost.  To report your liability and property claims quickly and efficiently our toll free phone number is the only number you will need to know. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Please let our representative know if you need language assistance. 

Please have the following information ready when you call your toll-free claims reporting service.

~        Insured Name and DBA (doing business as name)
~        Policy Number

~        Claimant Information
~        Claimant Name
~        Claimant address and phone number                      

~        Exact date and time of injury or damage
~        Exact location where injury or damage occurred
~        Specific description of injury or damage
~        Witnesses - name, address and phone numbers

Losses that are already reported, please contact:

Gallagher Bassett Services of New York, Inc.
One Huntington Quadrangle, Suite  4N01
Melville, New York   11747

Telephone (631) 694-7073
FAX (866) 850-6639